Time management determines the outcome of all exams. Here’s a secret about it, you cannot plan if you have no prior experience! Our Mock tests are best way to evaluate you time management & and knowledge. Our tests follow exactly the same pattern as exams, with the same time limit and have a timer. Here is your 1st hand experience of writing that paper, which you have been preparing for months. Take your chances when you (harmlessly) can!
CLAT Mock Test Series has 10 full-length mock tests that help stimulate an exam-like environment. The mocks are in collaboration with GKP publication to enhance your performance on the D-Day!
Previous Year Question Papers Of CLAT UG Entrance Exams- From 2015-25. Take This Timer Based Test For True Exam-Like Experience.
Previous Year Papers of DU LLM. From 2016 to 2020- We've got you covered!
CLAT Past Year Paper. Take This Timer Based Test For True Exam-Like Experience.
CLAT PG Free Mock Test consisting of 120 questions is designed exclusively keeping in mind the updated pattern & syllabus of the CLAT PG LLM. Don't forget to check out our CLAT PG 2025 Mock Test with 50 tests for better practice!
Previous Year Question Papers Of AILET PG LLM Entrance Exams- From 2017 to 2023. Take This Timer Based Test For True Exam-Like Experience.
Prepare smarter with our Exclusive Current Affairs Test Series, designed for SSC, CAPF, NDA, CDS, RRB, NTPC, and other competitive exams. Practice with 12 full-length mock tests replicating the exam experience. (Consist 12 monthly test , new test will be added every month)
Set of minimum 5 Mock Tests with 100 Questions each. The test is in update mode and students will get access to a total of 500 questions (More questions can be uploaded at our discretion, if needed)
Embark your CLAT UG Preparations with our exclusive Free Test for the Legal Reasoning section, specially designed to assess your current level of understanding and aid you in achieving the standards for the Law entrance exams. It covers topic-wise mocks for Legal Reasoning section of CLAT UG and AILET.
Kickstart your law entrance prep with our Current Affairs for CLAT UG Test series, designed to assess your knowledge and boost your readiness! Get month-wise mocks covering CLAT UG, AILET, DU-LLB, MHT-CET, SLAT, and other law entrance exams. (Consist 12 monthly test , new test will be added every month)
SWOT analysis helps identify gaps and areas that need improvement. This free CLAT UG Mock consists of 120 exam-like questions with negative marking to help you analyze your strengths and weaknesses.
CLAT LLM Mock Test Series has 50 Mock Tests & is designed exclusively, keeping in mind the CLAT PG Pattern as well as the AILET Pattern. The Mock Test get added on a monthly basis.
For all those little doubts on your mind.
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